We are now LIVE with SystmConnect, our new platform for contacting the Surgery:
There are three ways to get in touch with us; use the online form from our website, call us or visit the surgery.
Please use the online form wherever possible by visiting our website at www.dartmedical.co.uk
this will take you to the home page, please then scroll until you see “Contact us online” from here you will be able to select “New Request”.
If you do not have online access or are unable to complete the form yourself, you can telephone or visit the surgery and our reception team will help you complete this.
All requests are reviewed by a GP within one working day and urgent clinical problems will be prioritised. Our reception team will contact you with an appropriate appointment or advice following the GP review. Nursing appointments continue to be booked by telephoning the surgery. Unfortunately SystmConnect cannot be accessed through the NHS App, however, the NHS App can still be used for everything else.